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Treaty of Lisbon
Treaty of Lisbon
What is the relationship between the TEU and the TFEU? -
The TEU overrides the TFEU
The TFEU overrides the TEU
The TEC overrides both of these treaties
Both treaties rank equally
Which statement is false rgarding the ordinary revision procedure? -
A Convention in the ordinary revision procedure consists of representatives of national parliaments, heads of state or goverment, the European Parliament and the Commission
The ordinary revison procedure replaces the former procedure which amended treaties by way of intergovernmental conference negotiations
The European Council can decide not to convene a Convention should this not be justified by the extent of the proposed amendments. The amendments are then dealt with a conference of representatices of the governments of the member states
Proposals for amendments of the treaties can be submitted by government of member states, the Commission and European Parliament
A proposal for amendment in the ordinary revision procedure cannot aim at the expansion of competences of the European Union
The Treaty of Lisbon makes the European Union the legal successor of the ... -
European Economic Community
European Atomic Community
European Community
What will happen to Euratom after the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon? -
It will be renamed into European Nuclear Community
It will be merged with the European Union
It will be dissolved
It will keep its legal personality
As opposed to the current version of the Treaty, after the Treaty of Lisbon enters into force, the EU will also aim to combat ... -
Hedge funds
Racial discrimination
Human trafficking
Climate change
Which of the following is false regarding the European Council in the Treaty of Lisbon? -
The High representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy participes in the European Council, but does have the right to vote
The President of the European Council has no competences over and above the competences of the current Council President
The European Council acquires the status of European institution
The Council is composed of heads of state/government of the memberstates, the President of the European Council and the President of the Commission
The term of office for the Council President is extended to 2 years to improve the continuity of the work of the European Council
When was the Treaty of Lisbon signed? -
13 January 2007
13 December 2007
13 January 2008
13 June 2007
Which statement is true regarding the pillar structure in the Treaty of Lisbon? -
The former second pillar is renamed to "External Action of the Union"
The third pillar will remain a domain of intergovernmental cooperation
The second and third pillar will merge with the first pillar
The former third pillar will be renamed to "External Action of the Union"
In which area does the Union not have exclusive competence? -
trade policy
the preservation of biological resources and their corresponding international agreements
Internal Market
competition policy
Which of the following will not assign officials to the External Action Service of the EU? -
Diplomatic services of the member states
European Parliament
Secretariat General of the Commission
General Secretariat of the Council
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